Change Management

Change Management: Embedding Design Thinking in the Organization

Design Thinking is a proven innovation method that can be used in different ways: On the one hand, a specific problem can be solved; in many cases, a single run is sufficient.

On the other hand, however, it is possible to embed Design Thinking in the organization. It then continuously contributes to innovation. This concept is common in smart, resilient organizations, for example.

Embedding Design Thinking into an organization is a comprehensive project that requires methodological skill and flair. As a business consultant, I am at your side with advice & action

My Guarantee of Success

Whenever I submit a proposal, I check the feasibility of the project. I only offer projects that I am convinced will be successful.

There is a method to success.

If you want to embed Design Thinking in your organization sustainably, I recommend you proceed in a structured way (in the sense of Change Management). An appropriate change management concept should take the following points into account:

I have developed a 10-step plan for implementation, which you can read in my management guide to Design Thinking.

Innovative and Resilient

My guide shows you how to use Design Thinking effectively - and lead your company to the top.


Your way to more impact.

When embedding Design Thinking into your organization, there are many things to consider. As your consultant, I will accompany you in this process. With the following steps, we ensure the success of the project:

Please feel free to involve me early. For this purpose, I offer a free strategy meeting, in which we can (pre)discuss your concerns and clarify questions.

From the Idea to the Design

In a free strategy meeting, we will find the best way for you.

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